

Albinfo is a media app that allows users to read regional and national news in Albanian language. The user-friendly app is designed to serve Albanians to read the latest updates and current affairs of their region in one place.
Albinfo fact

About Albinfo

Albinfo is a free media application that covers all regional and national news stories and publish them. Users can easily access the app to read these stories and can discover what’s happening around them. Apart from news publishing, the app also offers various services to people living in Albania.

Features of Albinfo

Albinfo Publication App

User Log-In / Sign-Up

To access the media application, users first need to create an account on the secure server and log in by using their user credentials.

Albinfo Publication App

Free Access of News

With Albinfo mobile app, users have access to enjoy complete free access to current news stories and regional affairs.

Albinfo Publication App

Regional and National News

The mobile app offers user-friendly filters for regional and national news for users to read news stories of their preference.

Albinfo Publication App

Wide Category

Albinfo app has a structured news categorization such as health, culture, social, etc., allowing users to read from the interest-only.

Albinfo Publication App


The app also supports video clips, allowing users to conveniently watch the entire store covered by publishers with ease in minutes.

Albinfo feature

Albinfo Screens

Blog Feed