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AppsChopper, a renowned app developers company, does not utilize the technologies to develop robust app solutions for business but harnesses their potential to give flexibility to employees too.
We leverage the technologies to foster the current organizational work traditions like work from home and co-working space, which are the most preferred options among today’s new-age businesses.
Undeniably, the new trends are helpful for us in accessing the largest pool of talented professionals who helped us improve our productivity. The experience has been great to improve friendliness work culture and productivity on multiple projects.
As a responsible app developers company, we have set some new work from home rules and co-working space rules for our employees. Here are some excerpts.
Be Friendly with Others
It’s a vital co-working space rule. Being friendly is required to maintain a calm environment in the workplace and increase coordination among workers. Co-workers are the best sources for accessing useful information.
So, employees’ friendly nature will help them engage with each other to share knowledge, information, leads, etc. It helps them improve their skills too.
Stay Focused on Work
Employees must stay focused on work and follow the provided instructions while doing their job. Employees should not do anything to distract others. If they want to enjoy music while working, it’s necessary to use headphones, songs, etc. This way, they can minimize distraction in a better way.
Respect Privacy of Others
We strongly advocate securing the privacy of professionals sharing a co-working space. One should never peep into others’ work areas to see what they are doing. Avoid trying to follow others, especially while they are engaging with a telephonic conversation.
Meetings in Specified Areas
Meeting is an important activity to discuss work-related issues and focus on the best possible solutions. But, if the meeting takes place in an open space, it can distract others. So, it’s necessary to conduct meetings in the designated areas to accomplish it. It’s advisable to book the meeting space in advance to avoid any hassles later.
Don’t Smell Too Strong
The fragrance of an individual employee’s perfume, lotion, etc. may make feel others uncomfortable. So, it’s advisable to avoid these as much as possible. If he/she still wants to use it, then it’s the right option to try the perfume having mild fragrance or ask directly their co-workers if they feel uneasy with their scents.
Let’s Meet Once a Week
It’s obligatory to get together once a week to discuss works, performance, issues, etc. The interaction with co-workers helps employees exchange their ideas, views, etc. It helps them in solving their work-related issues and thus focus on their work.
Stay Home if not Feeling Well
If any employee’s feeling sick, they should stay at home. Always follow these co-working space rules to let others work without any distractions. The reason is that these employees may spread germs while sneezing, sniffing, and coughing, which distract their co-workers as well. After all, it’s the employees’ responsibility to sanitize their workplace.
Also read: AppsChopper Recognized as a Top Developer in New York City
Address your Concerns Politely
If an employee finds issues created by their co-workers, then they should handle it politely. Employees can talk to their fellows calmly while addressing their issues and request them to avoid doing the same. Even if employees are not able to do it on their own, they can talk to the manager of the space to find the proper solutions.